1. A lot of colors look good when mixed with the shades in different intensities. Such color techniques are known as monochromatic.
2. Good way to combine colors with their nearby friends. Whatever 3 border colors on a 12 part color wheel compose an analogous tone scheme. Colors of these scheme are harmonious.
3. The opposite colors on the wheel make complementary scheme. Such colors fill up each other. Cold color has warm matche and vice-versa.
Mind color halftones
If you need green but wish a slight result, pick a white or grey with a green halftone. Try to recognize color tone, it can be warm or cool. A warm blue includes a number of red making it more purple when cool blue includes quite a few green which makes it look more aqua.
Remember neutral colors as well have halftones. Usually it's possible to mistake gray with blue when there is a blue halftone.
Remember neutral colors as well have halftones. Usually it's possible to mistake gray with blue when there is a blue halftone.
Trying out with color blending
Sometimes even the forbidden combinations work. Take a look at numerous online color tools that help to select proper color combination for your works. You can use many color apps such as Adobe Kuler, Color Theory, Color Schemer and Color Burn.
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